Wednesday 09 Nov 2022


“Three Dimensional” [SWEAT]

For Time [30 Minute Cap]:

50 Sit-ups

400 Meter Run

30 Burpees Over the Bar

20 Front Squats (95/65)

Rest 2 Minutes

50 Toes to Bar

400 Meter Run

30 Burpees Over the Bar

20 Front Squats (95/65)

Rest 2 Minutes

50 Sit-ups

400 Meter Run

30 Burpees Over the Bar

20 Front Squats (95/65)

Score = Time it takes to complete the workout, including rest

[COMP] Front Squats (115/85) // GHD Sit-Ups

STIMULUS: “Three Dimensional” is a Threshold workout.

STRATEGY: Athletes should aim to complete 50 Sit-Ups in 2:00 or less. Athletes should aim to complete 50 TTB in at least sets of 5. Each set of 30 Burpees Over the Bar should be completed in 2:30 or less. Each set of 20 Front Squats should be completed in 1:30 or less. Each 40mm Run should be completed in 2:30 or less

SCALING: Athletes should choose a number of Toes to Bar, Front Squats and Burpees over the bar that they can complete within the given times and sets.

SCORING: Athletes score will be the time it takes them to complete the workout, including rest.



-Reduce Reps

-Hollow Rocks/V-Ups

400m RUN

-Reduce Distance

-1000/800m Bike

-500/400m Row

-400/350m Ski

-30/24 Cal Fan Bike


–Reduce Reps

-Step up/over the bar

-Burpees in Place

-Frog Hops


-Reduce Reps

-Reduce Load

-Squat to a target

-Reverse Lunges

-Box Jumps


45-60min @ zone 2 (Bike Erg)

  • Accumulate 300-550ft of handstand or practice within allotted time frame