WOD Brief

METCON: Trying a different object today for the workout however, dumbbell cleans are a great substitute as well. Push hard on the bike!


Train Wreck

8 Rounds:

40 Seconds Sand Bag Cleans (red/black)

20 Seconds Rest

40 Seconds Bike Calories

20 Seconds Rest

  • The score is lowest rep total of the 8 rounds
  • Open/Performance/Fitness – as above


Post Work/Recovery

2-4 Rounds NOT for time:

3 Strict Pull-Ups or 6 Dumbbell Row/Side

5 Strict Dips (ring or matador)



Topic: Pulling

Techniques and Drills

Snatch Grip Deadlift – 12 min

Drill – Pausing SGDL – 5×3 with 3-3s pauses – 2” off floor, below the knee, pockets

Snatch Pull – 12 min

Drill – Snatch pull – 5×3 – do not drop the bar in between reps but do reset from the floor for each rep (no “touch and go”)

Clean Pull from Deficit – 12 min

Drill – Clean pull from 2-4” deficit (standing on 25# or 45# plate) – 5×3 – do not drop the bar in between reps but do reset from the floor for each rep (no “touch and go”)

Complex – remaining time

2 CGDL + 2 Clean Pull + 3 Shrug Pulls


Aerobic Capacity

150/100 Calorie Assault Bike

Males – 5 x 15 Calories Slow, 15 Calories Fast

Females – 5 x 10 Calories Slow, 10 Calories Fast