Saturday 12 Nov 2022

“Jolly Roger” TEAMS OF 3 OPTION

3 Rounds For Time:

30 Power Snatches (115/85)

2,000 Meter Row

10 Rope Climbs (15′)

Score = Time it takes to complete the workout

[COMP/TRAIN] Power Snatches (115/85) 

Time Cap: 35 Minutes

“Jolly Roger” [INDIVIDUAL]

10 Rounds For Time [25 Minute Cap]:

3 Power Snatches (95/65) 

200/150 Meter Row

1 Rope Climb (15’)

Score = Time it takes to complete the workout

STIMULUS: “Jolly Roger” is a Threshold workout.

STRATEGY: Athletes should aim to complete each set of 3 Snatches unbroken, today is a good day to practice hanging on to moderate weight. Each 200/150m row should be complete in 1:00 or less. Each rope climb should be completed in 0:30 or less.

SCALING: Athletes should choose a load for snatches that allows them to complete 3 challenging reps unbroken. Athletes should choose a distance and variation for rowing and rope climbs that allows them to progress to the next movement in a given time.

SCORING: Athletes score will be the time it takes them to complete the workout.



-Reduce Load

-Reduce Reps

-DB Snatch

-Hang Power Snatch

-KB Swing

200/150m ROW

-Reduce Distance

-400/300m Bike

-12/9 Cal Fan Bike

-200/150m Ski


-Reduce Climbing Height

-Seated Rope Pulls

-3-5 Strict Pull-Ups

-Ring Rows


3 Sets:

5 Snatch Push Press

1 Overhead Squat


10 Rounds For Time [25 Minute Cap]:

10 DB Power Snatches

200 Meter Run

5 Double DB Burpee Deadlifts