Meet McKayla, our newest member of the month! She just turned 18 and will be attending her dream school in the fall – The University of Central Florida 🥳🥳

1. When did you start at CrossFit Bangor:

I started CrossFit Bangor the summer going into my sophomore year of high school (2018).

2. Proudest CrossFit accomplishment:

I’m the most proud of my personal best deadlift which is 185 lbs.

3. Favorite lift, metcon, or both:

My favorite lift would be either deadlifts or hang power cleans.

4. A movement or workout you’re hoping to improve this year:

I hope to improve on my pull ups this year and snatches.

5. Biggest surprise since starting at CrossFit Bangor:

The biggest surprise is the amount of modifications that come with each movement to help you improve, if you don’t have that skill already.

6. Advice for new members or friends who have yet to try CrossFit:

My advice would be to not be intimidated by movements that you don’t think you could do because there are so many modifications that help you work up to that movement.

7. Favorite Maine place to recommend to other members or visitors:

My favorite Maine place would probably be Beehive Trail in Acadia National Park.

8. Non CrossFit interest(s):

I love playing sports. Field Hockey, Softball and Swimming are the three sports I play. I also love going to Florida with my family!