1. When did you start at CrossFit Bangor: October 2017
  2. Proudest CrossFit accomplishment: Box Jumps.  When I first started CrossFit my biggest fear wasn’t the box itself but I was scared I would flip over it and hurt my shin or fall on my face.   By starting small with a 12 inch box and making sure when I jumped I firmly plant my feet in the middle of box I became more confident in the movement.  I slowly continued to add plates as I got comfortable with each height.  I can now say I have mastered the 20 inch box without fear.
  3. Favorite lift, metcon, or both: I like any workout that has a good cardio stimulus to it.  I would prefer to run every day of the week but am glad that Crossfit has shown me how to get that same “runners high” with doing movements like kettlebell swings, burpees and wall balls.
  4. A movement or workout you’re hoping to improve this year: Double Unders: As a kid I was always jumping rope with the friends and still able to easily do singles.   As most of us know double unders is a whole new ball game.  I have started working them into my workouts and not worry about getting a set number but practicing the technique.  They have finally started to click, I have some good days and some bad days.
  5. Biggest surprise since starting at CrossFit Bangor: I surprise myself everyday with what my body can do since starting Crossfit.   When I first started my Crossfit journey I was hard on myself because I didn’t know how to do all the movements.  Although, I am still working on technique, I try not to skip the days there are movements I struggle with.
  6. Advice for new members or friends who have yet to try CrossFit: Don’t let the unknown frighten you.  Just step through the door and give it your all every workout.  My kids told me for years to come join them at CrossFit but I didn’t think I was capable.   Once you are here you realize that everything is scalable to your personal needs.  Everyone is so supportive and encouraging no matter what your skill level is.
  7. Favorite Maine place to recommend to other members or visitors: One of my favorite things to do during the summer months in Maine is to take the Casco Bay ferry out to the different islands.   It’s a great way to experience the beauty of Maine.
  8. Non CrossFit interest(s):  I enjoy most of my free time with my children and 3 grandchildren.  I love being active and enjoy running, hiking, and kayaking.
  9. Additional thoughts you’d like to share!   I would just like to take the time to say thank you for this opportunity to share my journey so far.  I am normally not one to share things about myself, but with a little push from my kids I was able to do it.

I have really enjoyed becoming part of this Crossfit community and have had the pleasure of watching so many of the members overcome fears and tackle challenges they never thought they could.