We hear it asked a million times, usually starting in December and going through January 1st; ”What is your New Year’s resolution?” It’s the unrealistic concept of choosing one isolated day of the year to make a major life change. Let’s look at this in a different way…

I have spent some time this past week asking members “What are your GOALS for 2023?”

“Get better at gymnastics”

“Get a bar muscle up”

“Prioritize sleep”

“Consistently attend class”

“Have a routine in life”

“Rx a workout”

….and many more.

After hearing members’ responses to my question, it is clear that as CrossFit athletes we have a different mindset that sets us apart from the rest. We don’t make resolutions on an arbitrary day to do something we feel we ought to do. We set goals for ourselves to do things we want to do.   Whether it’s that first time stringing together double-unders, making the committed club, or getting your necessary sleep for the night, it feels good to achieve something, no matter what day of the month or time of year it is.

If you haven’t set any goals for yourself for the coming year, take some time to do so! Once you do, I encourage you to share your goals with others. When other people in your community know you are trying to work toward something, they will support you, encourage you, and help you stay accountable to work at it. Let your coaches know what you are hoping to get better at as well. We can help!  We are here to give you tips and reasonable progressions and we LOVE it when you pick our brains! Have some things you want to do that aren’t related to your “in-the-gym” CrossFit journey i.e. establishing routines, getting more sleep, or finding motivation? Ask your coaches and fellow members about that, too!  We are all in a constant quest to maintain a healthy lifestyle so there are an abundance of suggestions on how to help you along in that journey!

Don’t fall victim to the “New Year, New You” mindset. Set some goals for 2023 not to become a new you, but to become the best version of yourself.