WOD Brief: If you didn’t participate in Murph yesterday have no fear, you can make this workout absolutely terrible, not sure how? Ask a coach and they would love to help you understand sprint or even up the calories/reps. 🙂


“Murph Flush”

EMOM x 20 min

1) 15/12 Cal Row

2) 12/10 Cal Bike

3) 20 AbMats

4) Rest


Open/Performance – as written

Fitness – 12/10 Row, 10/8 Bike, 15-20 Abmats



2 Rounds of: 50ft seal walk w/sliders + 10 reverse lunges/leg w/slider (do all on one side before switching)


**Optional Strength Work Suggested BEFORE class**

Shoulder Press 4 x 4

  • 5-10lb increase from last week if possible

Alternate with 4 x 4 sets of ring/matador dips (goal is strict)