Gymnastic Skill Review

Handstand Push Ups + Rope Climbs


Every Min on the Min for 5 Complete rounds: (25min)

  1. 18/12 Calories on the Bike
  2. 100ft Farmer’s Carry (your choice on weight)
  3. 3 Rope Climbs
  4. Handstand Push Ups (your choice on number/style but try to stick with it the entire workout, NOT M.E!)
  5. rest

Athletes will start at different stations but will follow the SAME ORDER, everyone rests at the same time.

Open/Performance – as written

Fitness – 15/10 Cals – Rope Pulls – Reg Push Ups or scaled version of HSPU


NOT FOR TIME 2 Rounds of: 30 AbMats + 30 Glute Bridges (add weight if able)



  • SNATCH (Next 4 weeks focus)
    • Any and all types of snatch plus accessory movements and drills.



“Duo Professor Chaos”

Partner Workout

For Time:
30 Pull-ups
800 Meter Row
15 Power Snatches
800 Meter Row
15 Power Snatches
800 Meter Row
30 Pull-ups

  • Athletic duo can share workload however they see fit to include the 800m row.
  • 30min time cap.