Saturday February 23

Saturday February 23

“Mulberry Bush”

25min AMRAP
Teams of 3
1 athlete rows for calories
1 athlete works
1 rests
You may rotate as necessary

Athlete completes full round before switching
6 sandbag cleans 50/35
Bear crawl bag drag 10 meters
6 Lateral Burpees over bag

2 scores:

Record Rounds and Reps

Calories on Rower

Friday February 22

Friday February 22

Open Workout 19.1

15min AMRAP

19 wallball 20/14

19 calorie row


Women throw to 9′ target

Men throw to 10′ target


Thursday February 21

Thursday February 21


5 Rounds:

20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

20 AbMat Sit-ups

20 Wallballs (20/14)

20min time cap


Open/Performance/Fitness – as written



Every 3min for 12min

50 ft Overhead Walking Lunge – empty barbell and build if able

15 Glute Bridges


Wednesday February 20

Wednesday February 20


Push Jerk Heavy 3



“Squeeky Wheel”


60 Double Unders

20/15 Calorie Assault Bike

10 Push Jerks (165/110)


Open/Performance – as written

Fitness – 135/95, 30 double unders

Scaled – 120 singles



2k Row – every 500m calf stretch as long as you need it!

Tuesday February 19

Tuesday February 19

“Top Heavy”


9 Power Cleans (155/105)

12 Strict Handstand Push-ups

9 Front Squats (155/105)

12 Strict Pull-ups


Open/Performance – as written

Fitness – 135/95, push-ups, 8 strict pull-ups



Every 3min for 12min

50 ft Sled Push + 50 ft Sled Pull AHAP